Fire Ban Notice for Clear Hills County – Effective 4:00 p.m., July 10th, 2024

Fire Ban Notice for Clear Hills County – Effective 4:00 p.m., July 10th, 2024

Effective 4:00 p.m., July 10th, 2024, the Province of Alberta has implemented a fire ban across the entire Forest Protection Area due to the ongoing heat wave.

As per Clear Hills County Bylaw No. 285-24 Fire Bans, Clear Hills County is enacting a complete fire ban across all areas of the County, in accordance with the provincial guidelines set out in the Provincial fire ban.

Key Points of the Fire Ban:

🚫Fire Permits: All existing fire permits within the Forest Protection Area will be suspended or cancelled. Permit holders have 24 hours to extinguish their current burns. No new permits will be issued during the ban.


🚫Wood campfires on public land, campgrounds, and private land, including backyard fire pits, are PROHIBITED.

🚫Charcoal briquette barbeques are PROHIBITED.

🚫Fireworks and exploding targets are PROHIBITED.

Permitted Activities:

✅Propane/natural gas-powered appliances are allowed.

✅Indoor wood fires are allowed.

✅Open flame oil devices are allowed.

Please adhere to these restrictions to help ensure the safety of our community and prevent the risk of wildfires. For more information, visit Clear Hills County website or contact our office.

Thank you for your cooperation.
