

2025 Municipal Election

The next municipal general election will be held on October 20, 2025.

Clear Hills County Key Election Dates

Nomination Period
Nominations open on January 2, 2025, and close at noon on September 22, 2025.

Important: Except on Nomination Day, candidates must schedule an appointment with the Deputy Returning Officer to submit their Nomination Papers. Please call 780-685-3925 Ext:120 to book an appointment.

Nomination Day
Nomination Day is Monday, September 22, 2025. Candidates may submit their Nomination Papers in person between 8:30 a.m. and noon at the Clear Hills County Administration Office, located at 313 Alberta Avenue, Worsley, AB.

Election Day
Election Day is Monday, October 20, 2025. Voting stations will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Details about voting stations and advance voting opportunities will be available closer to Election Day. For updates, visit the Information for Voters section on our website.

Register To Vote

Starting with the 2025 Municipal Election the provincial government requires that all voters are registered to the Elections Alberta voter list. 

You can register online at elections.ab.ca/voters/register-to-vote

For more Information please contact Bonnie at 780-685-3925 Ext 120 or bonnie@clearhillscounty.ab.ca

Why Vote?

Every Canadian citizen has the right to vote, and voting is how we choose leaders to represent our communities. The outcomes of elections shape Clear Hills County's future. By participating in elections and expressing your views, you contribute to making democracy work.

In the next election, Clear Hills County voters will elect Councillors. Voting for Councillors ensures you have a voice in shaping the direction of Clear Hills County. Councillors make decisions on services that impact residents daily, including roads, recreation facilities, parks, waste management, clean drinking water, and public safety services. 

Who to Vote For:
Clear Hills County residents will vote to elect:

  • Councillors (representing your electoral division)

List of Candadits can be found here when available.

Voting Locations/Dates

Date: Monday, October 20, 2025

Time: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Locations: Will be posted closer to election day.

Information for Voters

Voting Time For Employees

According to section 58(1) of the Local Authorities Election Act, any employee who is eligible to vote has the right to three consecutive hours for voting while their voting station is open.

If the hours of an employee's employment do not allow for three consecutive hours, the employer shall allow the employee any additional time for voting in order to provide for the three consecutive hours. The additional time for voting is granted at the convenience of the employer.

No deduction in pay or any penalty will be imposed on an employee in order to provide the three consecutive hours to vote.

Example: if your normal workday begins at 2 p.m. you would not be eligible for paid time off since you had four hours prior to the start of your workday to vote; similarly, if your normal workday ends at 5 p.m., with voting stations closing at 8 p.m., you would have three uninterrupted hours in which to vote so you would not be eligible for paid time off.

Voter Eligibility

In order to vote you must be:

  • at least 18 years old, 
  • a Canadian citizen, and
  • a resident of Clear Hills County on Election Day.  

To determine if you are a Clear Hills County resident please review, Section 48 - Rules of Residence of the Local Authorities Election Act.

Note: You do not have to own property to vote. Property ownership is not a determining factor to vote, all citizens who meet the eligibility requirements above are eligible to vote.

Acceptable Identification

In order to vote, a voter must prove their identity and address. You can do this by:

  1. If you are on the Elector Register, producing one piece of identification issued by a Canadian government (federal, provincial or local) or an agency of the government, that includes a photograph (ex. driver’s licence, motor vehicle operator’s licence); or
  2. If you either aren’t on the Elector Register or do not have the above described ID, making a statement that you are eligible to vote in the presence of an officer at the voting station, on a provided form, and validate your address by producing:
    1. One piece of identification issued by a Canadian government (federal, provincial or local) or an agency of the government, that includes a photograph, your name and your address;

1 pieces of identification authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer, that establishes the person’s name and current address. To view a list of acceptable ID please visit elections.ab.ca

Register To Vote

Starting with the 2025 Municipal Election the provincial government requires that all voters are registered to the Elections Alberta voter list. 

You can register online at elections.ab.ca/voters/register-to-vote

For more Information please contact Bonnie at 780-685-3925 Ext 120 or bonnie@clearhillscounty.ab.ca