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Sulphur Lake - Lake Aeration - DANGER – Unpredictable thin ice and open water

January 9 2025

DANGER – unpredictable thin ice and open water

Many Alberta lakes now have surface aerators running. Aerators substantially alter ice conditions: creating thin ice or open water. The fall's fluctuating temperatures make the ice even more unstable. Do not think you know the lake based on previous year’s experience. Danger signs are posted to protect you. Enter onto ice at your own risk.

Why do we aerate lakes?

ACA aerates lakes so that we can help create, maintain, and enhance recreational angling opportunities for Albertans by promoting the year-round survival of trout in stocked waterbodies. Lakes that are typically shallow, eutrophic, and experience prolonged ice and snow cover are prone to fish kills. The Aeration Program creates more angling opportunities and a better quality of fish.

ACA Winter Lake Surface Aeration

ACA is operating aerators on the following lakes. Aerators alter ice conditions, creating thin ice and open water. For your safety observe posted warnings and enter onto the ice at your own risk. Don’t go beyond danger signs, fenced areas, or approach open water. For inquiries or to report problems with aerator pumps, warning signs, or fence, please call: 780-410-1999.


Sulphur Lake - Lake Aeration (C1-87)

Site Details

This lake, approximately 48 km SW of Manning, is stocked annually by the Government of Alberta with trout and aerated (October - April) through ACA’s Lake Aeration Program.


This site is in the Sulphur Lake Provincial Recreation Area and subject to its rules and regulations.


Alberta Conservation Association, Clear Hills County, Government of Alberta, Mercer Peace River

Quarter Sections

NW/SW-07-089-02-W6M, NE-12-089-03-W6M

Wildlife Management Units


Season of Aeration


For more information Contact:

ACA Office Locations

Toll-free number: 1-877-969-9091 - e-mail:

Peace River

9001–94 Street
Peace River, Alberta
T8S 1G9
Phone: 1-833-422-1673

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